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  • How does this compare with chiropractic?
  • What conditions does it help?
  • How does it work?
  • What kind of conditions can it resolve?
  • How many sessions are required?
  • What are the qualifications of Hanna Somatic Educators?
  • What does it cost?
  • Does insurance cover it?

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  • How does this compare with chiropractic?

    Which is better -- to go to a doctor of chiropractic who can adjust your spine or to go to a clinical somatic educator who can teach your body to be self-adjusting?

    Like chiropractic, Hanna Somatic Education® (HSE) improves skeletal alignment and joint mobility to reduce pain and improve bodily functioning. Unlike chiropractic, Hanna Somatic Education doesn't involve manipulations or adjustments; instead, it teaches your brain to make those adjustments from within and on an ongoing, moment-to-moment basis. The result is long-lasting improvements without need for indefinite (or frequent) office visits. HSE rapidly improves muscular control and coordination -- which are brain-functions -- to get these results. Your brain controls your muscles; your muscles move your bones. So, through your muscles, your brain controls your skeletal alignment. Habitually tight muscles distort movement and cause stiffness and pain. HSE corrects muscular malfunctions that underlie pain, stiffness and skeletal misalignment. Muscles relax. Pain disappears. Movement and function improve.

    Sessions of Hanna Somatic Education teach your body to be self-adjusting. Sessions free you from old, restrictive muscular tension patterns and give you free muscular functioning and a self-adjusting skeleton. Tight muscles relax. You feel freer. Spontaneous spinal self-adjustments (complete with popping) sometimes occur immediately after or even during a procedure. As with all learning-based changes in life, the improvements you gain soon seem second-nature.

    When you get a massage or adjustment, it's a matter of hours or days before you revert to your old condition. Why? Your brain reinstates the condition to which it has been accustomed. It counteracts the adjustment.

    If you see a chiropractor regularly, HSE makes chiropractic adjustments easier and longer-lasting. Many problems resolve much more quickly, including those (such as migraine headaches) that have resisted various methods of treatment.

    In summary, chiropractic deals primarily with the "hardware" (skeletal system); HSE deals with the "software" (brain conditioning) that controls the "hardware". Adjust the hardware or debug the software that controls the hardware: which is the better approach?

    Thousands have benefitted from clinical somatic education. The video at the top of this page shows one client; here are words from others.


    What conditions can it help?

    I direct you to this page that gives a partial list of conditions and explains how and why each gets helped. For now, let's say that back pain is among the easiest of conditions to resolve with this approach, typically fewer than three sessions, period.

    Click the following link to understand its application to for clearing up sciatica and another for herniated (bulging) discs.


    How does it work?

    Hanna Somatic Education frees you from muscular reflexes that keep you tight. You can feel changes immediately and they stay with you through all activities. You feel different -- and more like yourself. You'll feel the vigor of a younger time in your life.

    How can this be? Because your body is supposed to be responsive to your will, and when you regain that responsiveness, you feel more like yourself, only different than you were. In fact, you may forget how stiff you used to be.


    What are the qualifications of Hanna Somatic Educators?

    Certified practitioners undergo a rigorous three-year course of training that includes anatomy, functional and structural kinesiology (the study of movement from within/experientially and from outside/objectively), physical evaluation, neurophysiology, and practical techniques.


    How many sessions are required?

    Two and eight sessions clear up most movement problems and stress-related disorders such as headache, TMD (temporo-mandibular disorder), and constipation (a side effect of tight psoas muscles). They do more than resolve problems; they bring your body functioning to a superior levels. Each session improves how you feel and function. Improvements accumulate.

    What does it cost?

    Cost varies by practitioner, ranging from $50 (students in training) to $185 per session, depending on local economic conditions and the practitioner's abilities.

    Does insurance cover it?

    Sometimes. Insurance has covered sessions prescribed by a physician and pre-approved by the insurer. One company, American Western Life Insurance Co., pays for it in their Wellness Plan; there may be others who do, as well. Check out Mutual of Omaha. Some practitioners accept payment by insurance; others require payment at the time of service and provide you with a "superbill" to submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement. Ask in advance.

    The Institute for Somatic Study and Development
    Santa Fe, NM 87508

    Lawrence Gold, clinical somatic education
    Telephone 505 819-0858 | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT: Click here to send email.